Flower and Vibrational Essences
What is it?
Essences are gifts from nature that touch us at a deep level, free us to express ourselves more honestly, and be the best possible version of ourselves.
People connected to the land and to nature have known about the healing qualities of flowers for thousands of years.
It was Dr Edward Bach in the 1920’s and 30’s who created Flower Essences as we know them today. He recognised that what we think, feel and believe contributes to our physical wellbeing. If we are out of sorts emotionally or mentally, eventually this lack of ease will filter down to the physical body and produce symptoms, i.e. dis-ease.
Essences, also known as Vibrational Essences, are made from harnessing the energy of nature, of flowers, and they work by resonating with the subtle energies of our beings to bring about harmony and higher qualities of mind and spirit.
Since Dr Bach’s time many Essences have been made all over the world, so an Essence practitioner has a myriad of tools to chose from to prescribe a unique combination of Essences for your particular needs.
Rescue Remedy, formulated by Dr Bach nearly 100 years ago, is the most well know combination of Essences - it is useful in so many situations - for calming our nerves before a test or job interview; for centring us after an accident or injury; for bringing some level of comfort to us after a bereavement or loss.
Who is it suitable for?
Essences are suitable for babies, children, young and older people. Anyone can work with them, as they work in a very gentle way.
They are especially helpful for emotional and psychological issues, whether originating in the past and still going on, even if subtly, or in the present.
Where can it help?
To soothe and ease our emotions
To release fear, fright, anxiety, stress
To improve self-esteem, self-confidence
To clear shock and trauma held in the body, even from years ago
To support in times of crisis - they bring equilibrium, calmness and clarity
To enhance our sense of wellbeing
To connect with inner guidance, align with our dreams and life purpose
To remind us who we really are
To let go of and change our stories and limiting beliefs
To nurture ourselves into reconnecting with our joy
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What to expect
An Essence practitioner will spend time asking you about yourself and your inner state of health. Based on your answers, they then prepare a dropper bottle of a combination of various essences for you to take 2-3 times daily for a few weeks. This bottle is unique to you and supports you with your own emotional and psychological wellbeing.
You may begin to observe that you handle things better, you are less stressed or anxious. You may do things you thought you couldn’t, or make changes you’ve been wanting to make for a while. A general sense of lightening and feeling better about your life - these are some of the things it is possible to feel once you have started taking essences.
If you want to continue, then you meet again with the practitioner, assess your progress and any changes, with the possibility of changing the Essence combination to address your current process.